Hispanic Federation Launches Latina Leadership Circle

At HF, we know that our movement for justice depends on the development and preparedness of our leadership. That’s why earlier this year, we launched the Latina Leadership Council, a new nonprofit executive coaching initiative crafted to provide high-level advisory support to Latina HF member agency nonprofit executives. It’s clear from our first LLC cohort that our future is in good hands. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

Getting a great education and working hard may get you your dream job, but how can you grow in that job? Data suggests that mentoring and coaching are invaluable to workplace success, and yet many of our women are not provided these opportunities.

While the need for mentoring and coaching at the corporate level is clear and often a topic of conversation, there is arguably an even greater need for mentoring and coaching for women in the nonprofit sector. That’s why in October of this year, HF launched the Latina Leadership Circle (LLC) – a new nonprofit executive coaching initiative crafted to provide high-level advisory support to 10 Latina HF member agency nonprofit executives. The LLC provides emerging Latina nonprofit executives an opportunity to engage with seasoned female leaders from the nonprofit, government and corporate arenas.

“From the beginning, Hispanic Federation has invested in strengthening the leaders of the Latino nonprofit sector,” said Hispanic Federation president José Calderón. “The number of women in the nonprofit management ranks is growing and they face real obstacles to success including having mentors who can provide real-world counseling and guidance about managing workplace politics, sexism, and work-life balance. LLC draws on the expertise of some incredibly accomplished women to help the women who are the backbone of our network.”

Funded in part by the New York Women’s Foundation, LLC includes coaching on leadership issues, executive storytelling, leadership teaching and peer-to-peer learning. Participants also engage in self-reflection, journaling, and an optional “shadowing assignment” where they will be assigned to spend a day with an executive leader.

An impressive group of Latina executives served as the coaches/speakers for the LLC series, including: NYS Secretary of State Rossana Rosado, NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Paloma Hernandez, President and CEO of Urban Health Plan, Lillian Rodriguez Lopez, Vice President for The Coca-Cola Company, Monica Gil, SVP and General Manager for Nielsen, and Hispanic Federation board member Margaret Lazo, EVP for Univision Communications, Inc.

For more information on the Latina Leadership Circle, please contact Diana Caba.

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