Civic Engagement: La Voz de Mi Gente

Since its founding, Hispanic Federation has underscored the importance of civic participation in our mission to advance and empower the Latino community in the United States. That’s why we have registered and mobilized millions of Latino voters since 1990 while providing much-needed nonpartisan information on how elections impact important issues in our community.

In 2022, HF launched La Voz de Mi Gente, a nonpartisan campaign to register and mobilize millions of Latino voters through cultural and linguistically competent campaigns. La Voz de Mi Gente also aims to uplift the voices of our communities by helping local organizations build their capacity to engage the Latino community in the civics process.

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160 K
Voters registered by HF since 2016.
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$ 1 M
in subgrants since 2020 to help grassroots organizations grow their civic engagement efforts.
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1 Million
Latinos voters mobilized by HF since 2016.
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0 %
of Latinos registered by HF voted in 2020.

National Poll of Latino Voters

On August 19th, two of the nation’s premier Latino organizations, Hispanic Federation and Latino Victory Foundation, unveiled the results of a new national snap poll of registered Latino voters.

The poll revealed that the Latino electorate is highly motivated to participate in the 2024 elections, paying attention to the policy positions championed by candidates, and positioned to play a decisive role in key battleground states.

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La Voz de Mi Gente: Our Regional Efforts

Hispanic Federation runs civic engagement programs across different regions. Our regional efforts are centered around each state’s unique culture and the issues that matter most to our communities.

Voter Registration

With more than 36 million eligible Latino voters and a growing population, we must ensure our community is registered to vote. Not only is registering to vote the first step towards participating in the electoral process, data shows that once Latinos are registered to vote the likelihood of voting skyrockets.

From registering new citizens during their swearing-in ceremony in New York to helping voters update their information at festivals in Florida and North Carolina, we understand the importance of helping our community register to vote. Hispanic Federation has helped over 200,000 Latinos register to vote since its founding. 

Getting Out The Vote

As the second-largest voting group in the country, Latinos have the power to significantly impact local, state, and federal elections. Hispanic Federation has been working for decades to ensure that the communities we serve can exercise their right to vote and make their voices heard.

Our nonpartisan Get Out The Vote (GOTV) campaigns focus on providing timely, culturally competent information to voters so they can make an informed decision at the polling booth. Through in-person efforts, digital campaigns, remote outreach, and community partnerships, our team finds ways to engage and mobilize the Latino community.

Census and Redistricting

During the 2020 Census count, the Hispanic Federation was among many organizations that encouraged Latinos to be counted. One of our key messages was that the Census count would determine the political representation of our communities for the next ten years. Since then, as attacks on our democracy have become more frequent, the redistricting process’s importance and its consequences have become even more evident. 

The 2020 Census count showed that black and brown communities drove most of the population growth in the United States – it also showed the startling gap that must be bridged to achieve equal representation. Unfortunately, part of that gap is created by people acting in bad faith and using the redistricting process to lock communities of color out of power. 

The Hispanic Federation is committed to providing educational opportunities for the Latino community, shedding light on how the local, state and federal redistricting processes directly influence our daily lives. We firmly believe in the importance of community participation and collaborating with local partners to advocate for a fair and transparent redistricting process.

Our nonpartisan Get Out The Vote (GOTV) campaigns focus on providing timely, culturally competent information to voters so they can make an informed decision at the polling booth. Through in-person efforts, digital campaigns, remote outreach, and community partnerships, our team finds ways to engage and mobilize the Latino community.

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