Hispanic Federation’s CREAR Futuros Program Receives Additional Support

The Hispanic Federation’s CREAR Futuros college success initiative is having real-world impact by keeping Latino students in college and on track towards graduation. Thanks to the investment of institutional partners like the Coca-Cola Foundation, hundreds of Hispanic students who before might drop out of college now have a fighting chance to transform their college experience – and their life trajectory. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

Hispanic Federation is pleased to announce a $100,000 grant from the Coca-Cola Foundation to support its CREAR Futuros initiative, a model for Latino college success and completion. CREAR Futuros encourages at-risk Latino college students to complete college by providing them with a culturally and linguistically competent “community of care,” including peer mentorship, student support services, work-study opportunities, leadership training and much more.

“HF appreciates tremendously the Coca-Cola Foundation’s investment in the future of Latino students. Their commitment to our work is allowing us to expand and ensure that a greater number of our students have the support they need to stay and graduate from college,” said Hispanic Federation’s José Calderón.

How effective is CREAR Futuros? Findings indicate that CREAR has improved the retention rates of its students by 40 percent, GPA by .5, and course completion by 25 percent.

A total of 1,000 college students will be served by CREAR this year in nine university campuses in the states of New York, Connecticut and Florida.

For more information on CREAR Futuros, please contact: Marissa Muñoz.

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