Hispanic Federation Brings “Get Up, Get Moving” to Florida

Florida is home to the third largest Hispanic population in the nation and in places such as Central Florida, this population is likely to continue growing demographically. That means that the health of the Latino community is vitally important to the future of the state. Unfortunately, fully one-quarter of Florida’s Latinos report having “fair” or “poor” health. Hispanic Federation is trying to change that through its “Get Up! Get Moving!” initiative.Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

The Latino community confronts serious health issues, including lack of health care, obesity, hypertension and diabetes. To reverse these trends, a decade ago HF launched the Get Up! Get Moving! (GUGM) community health and wellness fair, providing free screenings, physical fitness regimens, and health information and referrals to at least 15,000 individuals since its inception.

This year HF hosted our first GUGM fair in the Sunshine State. On September 24, hundreds of Latinos took part in the inaugural event at Plaza del Sol in Kissimmee. As part of the health fair, participants were encouraged to explore diverse physical activities such as Zumba® and sports as options for losing or maintaining weight.

Participants were able to take advantage of an array of health screenings which included BMI, glucose, blood pressure, skin sun damage, hepatitis C, eye exams and HIV, among others. In light of the recent Orlando shooting tragedy, GUGM also focused on reaching out to Latino LGBTQ residents and connecting them with mental health and social service providers.

For more information on GUGM, contact Bethsy Morales.

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