Back to School!

As summer winds down and we begin to think about fall, only one thing is on the minds of parents everywhere: back to school! While preparations for the new school year may involve new wardrobes, backpacks, and school supplies, Hispanic Federation is committed to making sure one thing stays the same: parental involvement. While we’ve talked before about the importance of reading throughout the summer, it’s equally important that parents stay involved not only as advocates for their children, but teachers at home. It’s easier than you think! Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

As many of us prepare to send our kids back to school in the coming weeks, we may be filled with many thoughts: pride in their successes so far, joy in the friendships and bonds they’ve made and will continue to form, and a bit of nervousness about what the year may hold, and if our kids will be prepared academically. However, Hispanic Federation knows that when it comes to academic preparation, learning does not begin and end in the classroom. Parental engagement is key.

Too often, we encounter Latino parents who do not feel adept to assist their kids on a path towards educational achievement. But the truth is that engagement is possible for all parents, regardless of education level or perceived language barriers. Our Pathways to Academic Excellence program teaches parents what we consider to be the cornerstone of our educational philosophy: parents are the first educators in their children’s lives, and engaging them in robust literacy practices at home from early on will immeasurably impact a child’s life. Equipping parents with the skill-set they need helps them become better at-home educators and gives them the confidence to become advocates for their children. This includes reading at home daily, communication with the school to overcome any social or academic challenges, and staying involved in your child’s school.

“Education is one of the most important parts of a child’s development and ultimately their success,” said Jessica Guzman Mejia, AVP for Programs of the Hispanic Federation. “Closing the achievement gap is chief amongst our priorities at the Federation. We’re always looking for ways to share bilingual resources with families that empowers them to take a leadership role in their child’s education.”

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