Perlas de Sabiduría: Latina Leadership in Connecticut

Women make up more than half of the state population in Connecticut, but they still face many obstacles and remain underrepresented in leadership positions, a problem that is reflected across the country. That’s why leadership summits such as Perlas de Sabiduría are so important. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

Over 100 Latinas and women of color from across the Constitutional State came together In Hartford for Perlas de Sabiduría: A Perspective on Latina Leadership in CT. The leadership summit, a collaboration between Hispanic Federation and the Women of ALPFA, provided a full day of dialogue, capacity building and connection for Latinas. A diverse grouping of Latinas from the corporate, nonprofit, philanthropy and government sectors shared their stories and individual journeys about leadership, service and empowerment.

Ingrid Alvarez, Hispanic Federation Connecticut State Director provided the Keynote on Latinas Diversifying the Pipeline. Professional development workshops throughout the day focused on Latinas: The Great Communicators and Gravitas.

“It is so important for the women in Connecticut to be able to have a forum for discussion of ideas and experiences. We were thrilled to be able to partner with Women of ALPFA to put together the first-ever Perlas de Sabiduria. We’re looking forward to continuing the dialogue amongst attendees,” said Alvarez.

The Summit also provided an impactful panel discussion representative of influential and successful Connecticut Latinas and a special opportunity to meet Ms. Teresa Younger, President and CEO of the Ms. Foundation for Women.

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