Our Job Expo is Coming Soon

While the national unemployment rate has declined in the last year, the unemployment rate among Latinos is higher than that of other Americans. This is especially true for young Latinos. In fact, the rate among young Latinos is three times greater than the nation as a whole. In response, Hispanic Federation is partnering with LaGuardia Community College and Council Members Julissa Ferreras-Copeland and Jimmy Van Bramer host a job development expo to connect our community to good jobs. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

While the national unemployment rate has declined in the last year, the unemployment rate among Latinos is higher than that of other Americans. This is especially true for young Latinos. In fact, the rate among young Latinos is three times greater than the nation as a whole. That’s why, next week Hispanic Federation will host a Career Development Expo at LaGuardia Community College in Queens.

“The Expo will give men and women who are searching for work the opportunity to connect with employers and with experts in job training,” said Diana Caba, Hispanic Federation’s Director of Economic Empowerment. “The objective is for the participants to return to their homes having received good advice on job training and contacts for potential employment.

In addition to job training and placement information, participants in the Expo will receive information on financial literacy in order to better manage their financial lives.

Participating agencies in the Expo include: Fedcap Rehabilitation Services, NYC Department of Correction, NYS Department of Civil Service, Nontraditional Employment for Women, Office of State Comptroller Division of Diversity Management, St. Nicks Alliance Workforce Development and Workforce 1 Career Center.

The Career Development Expo, which is co-hosted by Council Members Jimmy Van Bramer and Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, will take place on Thursday, May 11th from 11am to 3pm in the Atrium of Building E at LaGuardia Community College, 30-10 Thomason Avenue, Long Island City, New York.

For more information and to RSVP, click here.

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