NY State of Health Offers Special Enrollment Period

Unexpected life events can often throw us for a loop. But having health insurance for our selves and our families shouldn’t be subject to twists of fate. That’s why NY State of Health offers New Yorker a Special Enrollment Period to make sure they have the insurance when they need it the most. Confused? Hispanic Federation can help.Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

NY State of Health is the health insurance marketplace for New Yorkers. It’s where you go to enroll in low-cost, high quality health insurance for you or your family. Each year, New Yorkers can enroll in a health plan during the program’s Open Enrollment period, which usually runs from November to January. For many New Yorkers, that’s more than enough time to find the best policy for themselves.

But what happens when, during the course of the year, your health insurance needs change? What happens if you have just moved to New York from another state? Or if you have lost your insurance from another provider? Or if you adopt a child? These and other so-called “qualifying life events” are enough to allow you to enroll for health insurance through the NY State of Health Special Enrollment Period.

“The Affordable Care Act has really made an enormous difference in the lives of thousands of Latino New Yorkers,” said Hispanic Federation's Director of Health Operations Liliana Melgar. “That’s why we want people to know that even if they missed the Open Enrollment period, there is always an opportunity to enroll in an insurance plan, if you have a qualifying event in your life. We want people insured and the special enrollment period helps to maximize the number of persons covered.”

  • Qualifying Life Events generally must be reported within 60 days of occurring and include:
  • Loss of health insurance (for reasons other than you did not pay your premium);
  • A permanent move into New York State or a move within the State that makes new health plans available to you;
  • Marriage or domestic partnership;
  • Divorce or legal separation;
  • Pregnancy certified by a health care practitioner;
  • Birth or adoption of a child, or placement of a child in foster care;
  • Becoming eligible or ineligible for help paying for your Qualified Health Plan coverage; or
  • Becoming a citizen, national or lawfully present individual.

There are three easy ways to find out if you are eligible for health coverage:

  • Apply on-line at nystateofhealth.ny.gov
  • Call the Customer Service Center at 1-855-355-5777
  • Meet with an in-person assistor

Hispanic Federation in-person navigators are serving at different sites in the 5 Boroughs, for more information on how we can help you determine your eligibility, please call us at our New York headquarters at 212 233-8955.

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