Letter from HF President: Why Latinos March for Climate

As the Trump Administration has unveiled a series of dangerous proposals that undercut environmental protections and safety, Latinos and other Americans are growing increasingly concerned that these changes will have a disproportionately large effect on them and their families. Given the precariousness of air and water quality in Latino neighborhoods across America, the administration’s proposed changes may prove particularly harmful for our community. That’s why so many Latinos participated in the People’s Climate March last month in Washington. Read more..
Type(s): Piñata

As the Trump Administration has unveiled a series of dangerous proposals that undercut environmental protections and safety, Latinos and other Americans are growing increasingly concerned that these changes will have a disproportionately large effect on them and their families. Given the precariousness of air and water quality in Latino neighborhoods across America, the administration’s proposed changes may prove particularly harmful for our community. That’s why so many Latinos participated in the People’s Climate March last month in Washington.
Read more..

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Google Says ¡Presente!

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