Since its inception, Hispanic Federation has used local radio as a tool for delivering important information to the community. Our Linea Informativa program was one of the earliest and most successful public service radio programs directed at Spanish-speaking New Yorkers, providing counsel on health, immigration and social services.
Today, Hispanic Federation continues to depend on its six radio programs to raise awareness of key issues facing the Latino community. Each Sunday, Linea Informativa continues to provide thirty minutes of public service programming in Spanish in the New York metro area on WSKQ (97.9FM) and WPAT (93.1FM). In addition, our Dialogando public affairs program airs each Sunday on WXNY (96.3FM). Finally, twice per week, we air our live call-in program, Hablando con la Federación Hispana on WADO (1280AM).
“As vital as the web and social media are for Hispanic Federation,” said Hispanic Federation Senior Vice President Frankie Miranda, “radio continues to be a critically important component of our communications strategy. Not only does radio allow us to highlight important issues such as healthcare insurance enrollment and DACA/DAPA, but it also gives us a chance to provide direct services to listeners who call in asking for guidance on issues that are important to them and their families.”