HF’S Connecticut State Director Talks Latinas and Power

New England’s Latina leaders gathered in Hartford, Connecticut recently to participate in the 10th Annual Latinas & Power Symposium. The event brought together hundreds of Latina professionals and students to discuss issues ranging from professional development to work-life balance strategies. Hispanic Federation’s Ingrid Alvarez-DiMarzo was on hand to share her experience and expertise with the program participants.Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

The Hilton Hotel in Hartford, Connecticut welcomed the 2016 Latinas & Power Symposium last month. The event is New England’s largest network of its kind, offering women empowering workshops, motivational speakers, a career expo, a business tradeshow and a treasure trove of networking activities.

With the generous support and contributions from some of the region’s largest and most respected companies, Latinas & Power, has been able to host this yearly symposium. Latina professionals, whose focus is on professional development, building wealth, promoting entrepreneurship and holistic health, created the Hartford-based group.

Hispanic Federation’s Connecticut State Director, Ingrid Alvarez-DiMarzo, participated in a panel titled, “Finding & Using Our Voice….The Power of Courage & Risk Taking.” Chaired by Chiqui Cartagena, Senior Vice President, Political and Advocacy Group, Univision Communications, the panel focused on the ways women can successfully insert themselves into decision-making processes in the workplace. Alvarez-DiMarzo added her expertise in the areas of political involvement, particularly the incredible influence Latinas—often as the head of the household—have in mobilizing the family to vote.

“The Latinas & Power Symposium is one of the most inspiring events in New England,” said Alvarez-DiMarzo. “Not only do you get the chance to share ideas and experiences with some of the region’s top thought-leaders but we get to work directly with young Latinas and help give them the tools to succeed in the corporate world.”

Founded in 2004, the Latinas & Power Symposium has reached thousands of Latina professionals from across the country to focus on skills building, strategies for success, entrepreneurship and personal growth. In addition, part of the organization’s mission is to inspire and encouraged the establishment of Latina groups such as “Latinas Think Big” and “Proud to Be Latina” who both establish events and programs in their respected geographic area. Sharing strategies for success is a global effort.

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