HF Receives Charity Navigator’s Top Rating for 5th Year in a Row

The charities we support say a lot about us; what we value, how we see the world, what we hope for the future. It’s an important relationship that depends on trust. HF takes that trust placed by its donors very seriously, and that’s why we are incredibly proud to have received Charity Navigator’s prestigious four-star rating for a fifth consecutive year. Only 10% of the nonprofits rated by Charity Navigator have earned that distinction. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

Americans donate about $374 billion to charitable organizations each year. Most of that money comes from individuals with American households giving approximately $3,000 per year to their favorite charities. While the reasons for giving may vary, one thing is clear, donors expect you to safeguard their money and ensure it meets their objectives.

Hispanic Federation takes great pride in being a good steward of our donors’ investment in us. For the fifth consecutive year, Charity Navigator has recognized HF’s stewardship by awarding us its prestigious four-star rating. The four-star rating is Charity Navigator’s highest rating for charitable organizations and recognizes organizations that “exceed industry standards and outperform most charities” in their area of service. Only 10% of the nonprofits rated by Charity Navigator have earned the distinction of four consecutive 4-star ratings.

“We couldn’t be happier to receive this rating from Charity Navigator for the fifth year in a row,” said Hispanic Federation president José Calderón. “Our board and staff take very seriously the trust that our donors place in us. Donors have choices. There are many worthy charities that deserve support and do very important work. We make sure that our donors know that we take great care of their investment and work strategically to maximize and leverage their donations for great impact.”

Founded in 2001, Charity Navigator has become the nation's largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities. Using a team of professional analysts that has examined tens of thousands of non-profit financial documents, Charity Navigator has developed an unbiased, objective, numbers-based rating system to assess over 8,000 of America's best-known and some lesser known, but worthy, charities.

For more information on our Charity Navigator rating, click here. To donate to Hispanic Federation, please click here.

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