HF and NMCIR Host Citizenship Day

Providing support to immigrants is something Hispanic Federation has done since its inception in 1990. That tradition continued recently when we worked with the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights to host a Citizenship Day in New York City. Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

On April 13th, Hispanic Federation joined with the Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights to host a Citizenship Day in Northern Manhattan. The event was hosted at NMCIR’s offices in Inwood and provided legal counsel for those persons seeking to apply for legal residency and U.S. citizenship.

“Helping immigrants has always been a priority for Hispanic Federation,” said Hispanic Federation’s Assistant Vice President for Policy Jessica Orozco. “We understand that going through the naturalization process can be difficult, expensive and intimidating. That’s why partnering with NMCIR is always a positive experience. In the context of a political climate that seeks to criminalize immigrants we want to help immigrants regularize their status.”

For those who missed this event, NMCIR hosts a weekly Citizenship Day every Thursday starting at 8am. Additional information on these Citizenship Days is available here.

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