Breaking Down Walls @ FUERZAfest

Last year, Hispanic Federation launched FUERZAfest as a way of celebrating theLatino LGBTQ community and breaking down the walls of ignorance and discrimination that continue to harm us. FUERZAfest returns to New York City next week for a 12-day long celebration. Join us!
Type(s): Piñata

Last year, Hispanic Federation launched FUERZAfest, the first-ever Latino LGBTQ arts festival which not only celebrated a vibrant community, but addressed critical issues impacting it.

As part of its response to the Pulse Nightclub tragedy, Hispanic Federation, through its Proyecto Somos Orlando, brought FUERZAfest to Orlando. Now, it returns to New York next week for a 12-day long run. The theme of this year’s FUERZAfest is “Breaking Down Walls.” The program includes a robust selection of films, workshops, panel discussions, networking events, art exhibits and a one-act theater showcase.

“The last year has seen an alarming rise in homophobia and xenophobia as a result of the hateful narrative in our national political culture,” said Mario Colón, Assistant Vice President of Special Events for Hispanic Federation and Director of FUERZAfest. “Being a Latinx LGBTQ person in the United States can be scary, especially after the Pulse tragedy in Orlando. That’s why now, more than ever, we need to revisit how our communities respond to and resist these threats.”

FUERZAfest will take place at from May 10th to May 21st at the Julia de Burgos Latino Cultural Center, 1680 Park Avenue in the heart of El Barrio. For more information on the festival, please go to

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