As Election Day Approaches, Hispanic Federation Ramps up Civic Engagement

It’s an election year. Control of the Senate and the White House are in the balance. Latino voters can play a critical role in deciding the future course of the nation on everything from immigration reform to education and health care. But in order to make their voices heard, they need to register to vote and head to the polls. We’re working hard to make sure that happens.Read more…
Type(s): Piñata

There are more than 57 million Latinos in the United States. Estimates are that approximately 27 million of these Americans are eligible to vote. Getting these Latinos registered and into a voting booth in November has been a high priority for Hispanic Federation this year. And our civic engagement program is at the center of these efforts.

Hispanic Federation’s civic engagement campaign includes multifaceted strategies to register and mobilize Latino voters, including:

  • Managing street team canvassers
  • Creating Latino Civic Engagement Leadership Centers (LCELCs)
  • Recruiting volunteers
  • Working with media partners to educate Latinos on the importance of voting

Since the start of the 2016 election season, HF has had marked success in empowering Latinos to vote. Our teams have registered more than 15,000 new voters. We have also created six new LCELCs and initiated new texting technology to get Latinos out to vote in Florida and New York.

“This is a watershed presidential election for Latinos,” said Hispanic Federation Assistant Vice President for Policy Jessica Orozco. “So many issues are on the table—immigration reform, health care, jobs, and education—that we can’t sit this one out. But we face some significant challenges getting our folks registered and to the polls. We know that people in our communities feel strongly about the issues, we need to make them feel just as strongly about the electoral process. That’s what our civic engagement has been doing and will continue to do through Election Day.”

For more information on Hispanic Federation’s Civic Engagement program, please click here.

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