NEW YORK, NY – Today, Frankie Miranda, Executive Vice President of Hispanic Federation, issued the following statement on the resignation of Puerto Rico’s Governor Ricardo Rosselló Nevares:
“The resignation today of Gov. Ricardo Rosselló Nevares is an important step forward for the government and people of Puerto Rico. If there was any doubt about the effectiveness of direct popular action, the protests and demonstrations in Puerto Rico and its diasporic communities over the past few days and weeks should dispel them. Angered by the corruption and callous behavior of the governor and his closest aides, Puerto Ricans banded together to say, "¡basta ya!" Today's resignation is proof that people power matters.”
“It would be a mistake to think, however, that Gov. Rosselló's resignation puts an end to the historical challenges that the island is facing. First, the matter of gubernatorial succession must respect the constitutional norms and processes that govern the island and ensure a leader who represents the interests of the people. Second, Puerto Rico confronts a dire economic situation that must be addressed responsibly and that has been aggravated by a hostile government in Washington. President Trump is holding hostage billions of dollars in badly needed aid to the island. That money is essential to getting Puerto Rico on its feet and on the path toward economic and political stability. It must be released.”
“Hispanic Federation will continue to work with Puerto Rico's community, business and political leaders to develop and implement a recovery that is fair and just. We will also strengthen our efforts in Washington to ensure that Congress and the White House provide the island with the resources it needs to succeed.”
“Finally, HF reiterates its previous demands of the government, which are to audit the debt imposed on citizens in a context of corruption and legality; create public participation mechanisms that guarantee that the people guide the decisions of their government; and establish total transparency regarding the administration of government funds that have been allocated to achieve a just and dignified recovery of the country.”