Fernanda Durand
Today the White House released its Build Back Better framework that includes many programs critical for Latino communities.
We look forward to the passage of a substantial bill that among many other things, creates jobs and advances environmental justice through investments in clean energy and sustainability which prioritizes frontline communities, ensures investments in immigration reform, increases access to education for low-income children and extends healthcare coverage to many Latino families. This bill includes provisions that will work to uplift Latino families, like closing the Medicaid coverage gap by extending health insurance to over four million people in the 12 states that have rejected Medicaid expansion and addresses deep racial inequities in our healthcare system. However, we urge Congress to continue working until the Medicaid gap created by inequitable funding for millions who live in the U.S. territories is also permanently closed.
“Now more than ever, we need to invest in the future of our country. While today's Build Back Better framework doesn’t include every priority, it is a strong step in the right direction for Latino communities. We urge a vote to pass Build Back Better into law as soon as possible to help our communities recover and rebuild from the disproportionate impacts of the pandemic on Latino families and workers” said Frankie Miranda, president and CEO of Hispanic Federation.
We will continue pushing Congress to include urgently needed pieces for Latino communities including strong protections for all immigrant communities, creating paid leave for families, and ensuring equitable treatment for Puerto Rico and all territories including access to Investment Tax Credits to promote solar and renewable technologies.