Gebe Martinez
WASHINGTON, DC—In a social media post late Monday, the president said he would sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration to the U.S. because of the coronavirus and the need to “protect” US jobs. Hispanic Federation President Frankie Miranda denounced Trump’s threat in the following statement:
“This president has consistently attempted to distract the public from inept governance and policy missteps by demonizing immigrants. However, the American people know better than to fall for Trump’s charade just as they know that the loss of 22 million jobs was caused by his Administration’s lack of preparation and subsequent incompetent response to Covid-19 – and not by immigrants. In fact, millions of immigrants – both documented and undocumented – are currently classified as essential workers helping to keep food on our tables, providing healthcare, and contributing to the overall care of our country. Just as they will contribute to the recovery of the country.
“Desperate to raise his falling poll numbers, clearly, the president is trying to rouse his base by finding new ways to scapegoat immigrants. News reports of his delays providing federal resources to areas of the country hardest hit by the deadly virus, leaving states to completely fend for themselves and compete with one another, skyrocketing unemployment, and his desperate rush to end the social distancing policies that science says will prevent even more deaths, have caused widespread dissatisfaction with Trump’s handling of the crisis.
“This kind of reckless tweet creates dangerous mass confusion that leads to desperate reactions from people like we saw during the haphazard implementation of the travel ban that resulted in panic and dangerous conditions at airports by people trying to get into the country. Irresponsible announcements like this have life and death consequences.
“We have seen in recent weeks how immigrants, regardless of status, are significant contributors to our economy, and have been especially critical during the COVID-19 crisis. More than 1 in 4 health care workers are immigrants and 125,000 temporary permit holders under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are currently deemed ‘essential workers’ by the federal government, including 43,500 who work in the health care and social assistance industries.
“The president should accept responsibility for his missteps that led to a record number of job losses and focus his efforts on creating a national response to the COVID-19 crisis, making test kits widely available and on rebuilding the economy instead of again scapegoating the hard working immigrants in our communities who actually make the economy stronger and care for those who become sick.”