Our Work in North Carolina and the Mid-South

Hispanic Federation’s offices in Charlotte and Mount Olive, North Carolina, empower local nonprofit organizations, Latino workers, and Latino families throughout the mid-south. We offer a wide range of programs and services, including capacity building, civic engagement, economic development, education, environmental justice, health, immigration, and LGBTQIA+ support. HF is dedicated to serving the community. Below are some highlights of the programs and services we provide to community members in the mid-south.

Our Mid-South Programs

Here are some of the programs that are offered in North Carolina and the mid-south that seek to empower Latino communities.

La Voz de Mi Gente: Civic Engagement

Through HF’s culturally and linguistically competent civic engagement campaign, La Voz de Mi Gente, our team in North Carolina keeps community members civically informed as well as register and mobilize eligible voters in Mecklenburg, Duplin, and Wayne Counties.

Economic Empowerment: Food and Farmworker Relief Program

Through the USDA’s Food and Farmworker Relief (FFWR) program, HF’s North Carolina team has distributed more than $8.2 million to nearly 14,000 farmworkers and meatpackers who incurred pandemic-related health costs throughout the state since March 2023.

Environmental Justice

In East Carolina, HF collaborates with Latino-led organizations and community members to advocate for policies that safeguard lives and enhance community health by addressing environmental challenges.

Protecting Immigrants’ Rights

HF’s North Carolina team conducts know-your-rights trainings for immigrant community members, provides direct legal services through its mobile immigration clinic, and delivers educational resources to residents who are their final steps to becoming citizens.

Nonprofit Grantmaking and Philanthropy

HF is a leading grantmaker for nonprofits across the country, having provided more than $125 Million since 1990 to support our network of more than 600 nonprofit members and partners. This grantmaking plays a crucial role in establishing programs that uplift Latino families while also supporting the operational needs of the grassroots, nonprofit organizations that serve the community.

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