
Hispanic Federation Kicks Off $600 Covid-19 Relief Payment Initiative for Farmworkers, Meatpackers In Puerto Rico

For Immediate Release: April 11, 2023


More than 7,000 farmworkers and meatpackers on the archipelago are expected to be eligible for this program, totaling more than $4,300,000 in relief payments.

$600 one-time payments part of $44.3 million Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant awarded to Hispanic Federation for farmworkers and meatpackers who incurred pandemic-related health and safety costs.

PUERTO RICO—Hispanic Federation announced that it has officially kick started a program that will provide farmworkers and meatpackers with a one-time $600 payment in Puerto Rico. Hispanic Federation and its partners are prioritizing culturally competent outreach to help workers who have incurred pandemic-related health and safety costs apply for the program while also distributing the payments. More than 7,000 farmworkers and meatpackers on the archipelago are expected to benefit from this program, totaling more than $4,300,000 in relief payments.

The payments are part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm and Food Workers (FFWR) Grant Program, which awarded a two-year, $44.3 million grant to HF. The grant is administered by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, and HF and its partners will distribute the payments across 17 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Farmworkers and meatpackers interested in checking their eligibility for the $600 payment can find more information here. Workers can also contact or call Hispanic Federation at 1-866-HF-AYUDA.

“Farmworkers and meatpackers were on the frontlines of the pandemic, keeping our families and communities fed and our economy running. With the USDA’s Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program, the Biden-Harris Administration is stepping up and reminding these workers that we recognize their work and sacrifice during an extremely challenging time in our history. I urge all farmworkers and meatpackers who were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to learn more about this program and apply for this relief immediately,” said Frankie Miranda, president and CEO of Hispanic Federation.

“Our agriculture workers have always been essential to our collective wellness, though their work is often invisibilized. This became especially apparent during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Through the USDA Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program, Hispanic Federation and our local partners have an opportunity to acknowledge their vital role and ensure this relief reaches agriculture workers in Puerto Rico. Applying for the relief is a simple and free process. All farmworkers and meatpackers who have worked during the COVID-19 Pandemic, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status, should connect with our partners to evaluate their eligibility as soon as possible and apply,” said Charlotte Gossett Navarro, Hispanic Federation’s Puerto Rico Chief Director.

HF has partnered with 6 organizations in Puerto Rico to cover the distribution of one-time payments across the archipelago. These local partnerships include PROCAFE - Productores de Café de Puerto Rico, Centros Sor Isolina Ferré, Consumer Credit Solutions, One Stop Career Center, Proyecto PECES (Programa de Educación Comunal de Entrega y Servicio, Inc) and Pathstone Corporation.

Hispanic Federation is one of 15 organizations selected by the USDA to receive the competitive FFWR grant across the US and territories and will work with 39 of its partner organizations to distribute the payments to frontline farmworkers and meatpackers. Hispanic Federation is the only organization selected to distribute FFWR payments in Puerto Rico. Including the FFWR grant, Hispanic Federation is on track to provide more than $75 million in COVID-19 related relief, working with more than 600 nonprofits in 40 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia.

The FFWR announcement took place at Finca Pradera of Puerto Rico Coffee Roasters (PRCR) in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, where the Hispanic Federation was joined by their local program partners and agriculture workers from PRCR. The new FFWR program reinforces Hispanic Federation’s ongoing commitment to Puerto Rico’s recovery, in which they have invested more than $51 million dollars since Hurricane Maria through their San Juan office. Of that, approximately $8 million has gone to support diverse agriculture emergency, recovery, and sustainability efforts, reaching more than 2,500 small scale farmers and fishers, especially coffee farmers.

Eligible Finca Pradera farmworkers will receive direct support from HF partner, Pathstone Corporation, to apply for the program benefit.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

“Este incentivo del Departamento de Agricultura federal reconoce la labor de los obreros agrícolas y el sacrificio que supuso para ellos y para sus familias trabajar durante la pandemia para que pudiéramos tener alimento en nuestra mesa. En PathStone Corporation estamos comprometidos con brindarles mejores oportunidades a los trabajadores de nuestra tierra para que puedan tener una mejor calidad de vida para ellos y para sus familias. Este alivio reconoce además su importante labor y contribución a nuestra sociedad puertorriqueña antes, durante y después de la pandemia del COVID-19”, expresó Mileidy Soto, Directora de Programas de Adiestramiento y Empleo de PathStone Corporation, una de las organizaciones aliadas que también distribuirá los incentivos de $600 a los trabajadores agrícolas.

“Para el proyecto PECES en Punta Santiago, el programa de protección y alivio de la pandemia a trabajadores agrícolas es sumamente importante ya que provee un incentivo a los trabajadores ante una pérdida o gastos incurridos durante la pandemia. La misión de Peces es lograr el desarrollo educativo social y económico de la población en general y este programa aporta significativamente a nuestra misión y visión filosófica,” dijo Myrta Lebron, VP Sr. Programas Prevención y Resiliencia Comunitaria, Proyecto PECES.

“Es un proyecto innovador. Es la primera vez que en PR se le ofrece un incentivo a los empleados del área agrícola. Es un espaldarazo reconocer que ellos son parte de la fuerza laboral de nuestro país,” dijo Carmen Cosme, Executive Director, One Stop Career Center.

“Con el programa “Farm and Food Workers Relief” de USDA, se reconocerá la valiosa aportación de los obreros agrícolas y de elaboradoras de carne por su trabajo desde que comenzó la pandemia COVID-19, haciéndole justicia por su compromiso, esfuerzo y dedicación. En PROCAFE estamos comprometidos con Hispanic Federation en la implementación de este programa para los obreros agrícolas del Área Central (Montaña), los que trabajan nuestras fincas y cosechan nuestro café y todos los otros cultivos, para quienes esta subvención tendrá un gran significado socioeconómico y personal,” dijo Jorge F. Sanders Clark, Productores de Café de Puerto Rico, Inc. (PROCAFE).

“Este programa hace un reconocimiento digno y justo a toda aquella persona que laboró en momentos muy difíciles e inseguros. Es motivación a luchar contra viento y marea siempre,” enfatizó Daniel Morales Aymat, agrónomo de Puerto Rico Coffee Roasters.