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Since March 2020, the Hispanic Federation has provided emergency assistance to 4.2 million Latino individuals and families through our network of 500 nonprofits in 41 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

In North Carolina for example, Hispanic Federation is supporting a program that provides wraparound services, like food and tutoring for children. The program has been a lifesaver for women like Ruby Orduna, an immigrant and single mother. Ruby’s children, Donovan and Sergio, received tutoring and support while Ruby worked long hours in a physically demanding cable-manufacturing plant to provide for her family.

Hispanic Federation has partnered with ourBRIDGE for KIDS in Charlotte to provide refugees, asylum seekers, and first-generation immigrants with support. Through this partnership we provided more than 5,000 breakfasts and lunches for the community during the pandemic, using products and produce handpicked by people from the community. Thanks to you we are supporting programs to feed families in need all across the U.S.